Title: Sisters of the Yam: black women and self-recovery
Author: bell hooks
Genre: Self-help/Black Studies/Women’s Studies
Length: 190 pages
First line of the book: “Sisters—and you who are our friends, loved ones, and comrades—I greet you in love and peace.”
How I found the book: Bought it at the Between the Lines booth at Word on the Street Toronto
Opinion: I love this book. So much that I plan to gift it to the women in my family. I don’t agree with all of hooks’s analysis but all her points are thought provoking and lead to introspection. I plan to start a magazine in the future and many of themes and ideas presented in the book can become part of the magazine’s ideology. The emphasis on self-recovery is so wonderful and empowering. bell hooks includes an entire chapter on community and I think it is the best way to read this book. I really wish I knew other women who had read the book so we could talk over the topics. The experience and discussion would create a bond similar to the original Sisters of the Yam.
Recommend? Yes. To everyone I know.
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