Genre: Literary | Supernatural | Short Stories
Length: 135 pgs
First line of the book: I remember Dalton Jennings. Bumped into him pretty regularly on my late night sojourns and the guy was fun if you could get past the rambling and hygiene issues.
First line of my fave short story: Short sullen-faced child ghosts are hovering around my legs.
My favorite first line: When Victor has something uncomfortable to say, he usually ends up eating and smoking a lot.
If and
had a brooding Latino baby in Central Park, it would be Salsa Nocturna.
How I found the book: The lovely folks at Crossed Genres Publications sent me an ARC.
Opinion: I’ll be posting a super long post with all my thoughts, feelings, and frustrations about this book on my blog on July 6. Till then: I liked it. I liked it a lot.
Recommend? Go pre-order it right now.
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