Almost important as my New Year’s Resolutions are my 2013 book challenges! I was quite ambitious this year. Let’s see how I’m doing.
1. Les Mis is long you guys. And not exactly riveting. Add French on top of that? Yeah. I haven’t touched that sucker since January and I doubt I’ll ever pick it up again.
2. My Heritage Reads challenge is going quite well by contrast. I added a new category for Black women because they are a group that I would likely share a lot of experiences with. Here’s the break down so far:
Black women writers: 9 out of 10
Haitian writers: 0 out of 10
Caribbean writers: 2 out of 10
African writers: 3 out of 10
Latino/Latina writers: 1 out of 10
South Asian writers: 3 out of 5
Native/Aboriginal writers: 1 out of 5
East Asian writers: 2 out of 5
I need to renew my search for fiction by Haitian writers but otherwise I think I’m doing quite well!
3. Why didn’t anyone tell me it was impossible to clear the to-read pile. I actually have more books on my list than I did before! The cost of being a book-lover I guess. I might as well resign myself to that fact now.
Did you set challenges for yourself? What’s your progress so far?
For Haiti – I’ve heard good things about All Souls’ Rising, Master of the Crossroads, and The Stone That the Builder Refused, all by Madison Smartt Bell – I haven’t read these books however. Great job on your challenges.