It’s been a while since I posted. So long in fact that this awesome feature is actually old news!
It’s still important though. Any initiative that features and honors black women is. And that’s exactly what Emily Mills of HowSheHustles set out to do. This year, various Canadian institutions are celebrating Canada150. Knowing that these institutions likely wouldn’t feature Black women (’cause what else is new?) Emily took matters into her own hands by creating “HerStory in Black.”
With the help of amazing women in her network she put together a multimedia photoseries and event that showcased 150 Black women in the Greater Toronto Area and the amazing work that they do. This series was picked up and supported by the CBC. Click to check it out! Can you find yours truly?
It was such an incredible experience to meet and commune with these women. For the hour or so that we were together getting our photos taken, there was a great kinship and camaraderie. A brief reminder that we’re not alone. slowly but surely I’ve started to follow and share the work of these women and I am so excited to see the impact they will have on our city over time.
A big thank you to Emily for including me, and a thank you to all the women involved for embodying black excellence.
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