I asked my Tweetpeeps to help me meet my NaNoWriMo goals for the day by giving me prompts. Here is what I wrote based on Nadia Halim‘s words: The palace was lovely though much too cool for Fuleia’s liking. The opulence of the space seemed contrived. As if the nobility had travelled and studied the… Read Post
3 Ways Literary Agents Can Increase Diversity in Publishing
I’m not an agent. My internship at a literary agency does not make me an agenting expert. But I am a publishing “gatekeeper” of sorts and I hold literary agents in high-esteem because of their role as the writer’s champion. This week, Lee and Low asked several literary agents to share their thoughts on the… Read Post
Self-Preservation and Affirming Black Womanhood
They are trying to kill us. This is not an exaggeration. This is not click-bait or rhetoric. They (by which I mean the whole fucking world) are trying to kill us. The murder of Renisha McBride is the latest, tragic example. When you are attacked at all levels for simply existing, every damn day is… Read Post
Why I’m doing #NaNoWriMo
It’s that time of the year, y’all! When the clock strikes midnight I am joining the rank of writers around the world will pull out of a fresh piece of paper (or, more likely, open up a new Word document) and try to write 50,000 words by November 30, 11:59pm. I’m not even a writer,… Read Post