I absolutely adore The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. When I found out the sequel, The Prisoner of Heaven was being released this year, I jumped for joy. At the bookstore my friends had to pry the $30 book out of my broke hands but they let me buy The Angel’s Game,… Read Post
My bro is reading Hunger Games
He just came in my room to tell me his predication of what happens in the arena. You know how the hovercraft was chasing that Avox boy and girl? Well I think Katniss is gonna go in the Games, and since she and Peeta are good and sensitive, they’ll try not to hurt people… only… Read Post
On POC in the media I consume — part 2
My Tumblr dash is what inspired me to reevaluate my entertainment choices. Specifically pictures of Emma Stone. Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson, and Emma Stone have been the most prominent actresses on my dash this year. After July 20th I’m sure Anne Hathaway will be added to the list. That’s fine. I admire all these women;… Read Post
On people of color in the media I consume
This year I took a POC reading challenge where I would make a conscious effort to read books where a major character was not white. So far 22 out of the 37 books I’ve read fit. 56%. As a result I’ve been exposed to a wider range of narratives and identify more with the stories…. Read Post