Confession: I had no idea what this book was about when I requested the ARC from Daniel José Older and Crossed Genres Publications. When I tried to figure it out, I came across the words “ghost noir” and was terrified. I put down the book and resolved only to read it during daylight. My fear… Read Post
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
In a previous post I mentioned Code Name Verity as one of the books I was most excited about in 2012. I talked about it so much that one of the agents I worked with brought it back from BEA for me! This book far exceeded my expectations. I knew it would be sad (I’m… Read Post
ARCs are no fun
Whenever I mention how badly I want to read Throne of Glass, someone immediately points me to NetGalley to request an advance copy. But I don’t want an ARC. I’m more than happy to wait for the book to come out. Receiving ARCs feels like being part of a secret club. You get early access… Read Post
My mom bought me patriotic Star-Spangled undies. Now I’m sad I don’t have a Star-Spangled bra. I guess sexytime with Captain America will have to wait. *sigh*