While most of my co-workers are having fun at Book Expo America in New York City, I’ll be sitting at home. Most likely in bed, wearing pajamas and surrounded by my computer, my Blackberry, and lots of books. I’m at Armchair BEA. All this week, book bloggers from across the interwebs will have their own… Read Post
Reading in your Second Language
I love languages and am lucky to be able to communicate in four: English, French, Spanish and Haitian Creole. But one thing stood out to me as I reviewed my reading stats for the year. I only read in English. I decided to learn new languages in order to communicate with more people and to… Read Post
Editing with Love
I’m not known for mincing words or being gentle when I edit. It feels disingenuous to write comments and queries the way I was taught in my copy-editing course (lots of sugar coating and rhetorical questions). As a result, editorial notes I send by email sometimes come across as harsh and nit-picky (Especially when it’s… Read Post
Writer Asks: Should I submit the prologue?
If the submission guidelines ask for a query letter plus the first x pages should I submit the prologue or skip to the first chapter? If your prologue is not compelling or relevant enough to be the first thing an agent reads, you need to re-evaluate having a prologue at all. Whereas an agent or… Read Post