My favorite kinds of children’s books are those that incorporate the physical book into the storytelling. It’s no surprise then, that when I picked up We Are in a Book! by Mo Willems I could not put it down. My youngest brother is eleven and no one in my immediate circle has small children. But… Read Post
Another Networking Trick
In my previous post about networking I failed to mention the final trick up my sleeve. Honestly, I was trying to deny the power of my secret weapon but it has served me well for 2 months and I’m sure it will for a few more years. That’s right. My $16 Mockingjay pin has been… Read Post
Networking for Beginners
The first piece of advice anyone gave me when I entered the publishing industry was to network. Go to all the events, schmooze with all the people, and make a name for yourself. I think I’ve gotten pretty good at one-on-one meetings with industry pros but disaster strikes when I try to “work a room.”… Read Post
Writer Asks: Should I re-submit my manuscript?
I recently submit my manuscript to you but have since edited it. Is it okay to send the updated version for consideration instead? I would want to know why there have been changes in such a short amount of time. Are they small changes (like a spelling variant)? If so, they are unlikely to sway… Read Post