Hooray for more articles! This one was covering a talk by Reena Katz at the University of Toronto Art Centre. It was a learning experience for multiple reasons. First, I had the opportunity to be exposed to a critical subject matter about which, I must admit, I was very ignorant. The talk got me thinking… Read Post
This is our Jerry Springer moment
You know that shocked emote? Not the jaw-dropped one, the bug-eyed one. Y’know… this one: O_O That was my face throughout the entire play. Wait, no. That’s not true. There was lots of this XD too. I was shocked by how explicit and unabashed the play was as a whole. But what was even more… Read Post
Season Preview: Being Erica
This is my first article for the Varsity this year. I watched the season premier on Tuesday and was not at all disappointed. It really is great show. I encourage EVERYONE to watch it.
Superman must have been a contortionist…
I spent the day working in a telephone booth. You know the ones: red, very British looking? Yeah, those. They look absolutely lovely from the outside. But from the inside… well, claustrophobic would be putting it lightly. Granted I was outside most of the time, and it was actually two booths put together. But still…. Read Post