I got published again! This time I got a full page complete with color graphics! Nothing can ruin this day! The two articles cover the US presidential debate and the US vice presidential debate. Once again, the here are links to both. Thank you and enjoy.
My First Byline(s)
Yay! My work has been printed in the September 2008 issue of The Varsity Magazine, a division of my university’s campus newspaper. The two blurbs (they’re not long enough to be called full fledge articles) appear on like the bottom of the seventh page but still! I am very proud of them! They are titled… Read Post
Why He’s Number One
[Spoiler Alert! In the following post I assumed you’ve already seen the movie!] As The Dark Knight enters its fourth weekend on the big screen, one thing will still be certain: it will still be number one. And now I know why. Plot: The plot was not the Dark Knight’s strong suit. It seemed both… Read Post
Re: Yay Internet!
I just saw this while browsing and it made me laugh. This is exactly what I was talking about in my previous post. I must admit, I’m a “citizen” of at least three of those “countries.” LOL Enjoy! www.xkcd.com/256